Tribute Wall
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Monday, September 4, 2023
Edward V. Sullivan Funeral Home
43 Winn Street
Burlington, Massachusetts, United States
Graveside Service
12:00 pm
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Chestnut Hill Cemetery
Bedford St.
Burlington, Massachusetts, United States
David Slonina posted a condolence
Thursday, September 7, 2023
I'm stunned and saddened by this terrible news. Guy was a great friend, a great man and a beautiful soul. He endured so much pain and ALWAYS put on a brave face.
We worked closely together at Saddlebrook for many years. I had to take him to the hospital after a funeral mass for another friend as Guy's back acted up in the pew at the church, so Guy and I were all dressed up in suits. At the ER Guy was telling me all of the procedures he had done on his back. The fusions, the removal of fusions, etc. They took Guy for an xray of his back and he and I were in the examining room waiting for the doctor to come in with the x-ray images.
The doctor comes in with the x-ray film and slides it into one of those lighted film gizmos and is staring at and deeply studying the image. So, I move over to take a look too; Guy is laying on the gurney. The doctor points to the image and says, "ah, here's a fusion" pointing to a bright white spot on the x-ray of Guy's spine. I say, "no, that's been removed". The doctor pauses and takes a closer look and says "you're right!...are you a doctor?" (after all I was in a suit) I say "no". He says, "then how did you know that fusion was removed". I pointed at Guy and said "because he told me". Guy and I busted up laughing.
I will never forget him.
Willie, Guy and Gina, I am so sorry for your loss. With deepest sympathy, David Slonina
Frank and Linda Valenti uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, September 3, 2023
+ 1
Busties Best
It's an amazing story of Friendship, Humor, Adventure and Love. I thank God for these 9 friends that came to be. And now we lose one more. We would like you to know Busty showerd us with plenty of Love, Fun, and all the while with an enormous dose of Resiliency. As his bottle of home made anisette says
" Busties Best".
Thank You Lord for this Great Friend.
Sharon Bozzi posted a condolence
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Willie and family
So sorry to hear about Busty our thoughts and prayers are with you
John and Sharon Bozzi
Nicholas Assetta lit a candle
Friday, September 1, 2023
You will be missed R.I.P brother see you on the other side hopefully
The family of Gaetano "Buster" Assetta Jr. uploaded a photo
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Please wait
Edward V. Sullivan
Funeral Home
43 Winn Street
Burlington, MA 01803
Ph: (781) 272-0050