Mare Marian Ulicne''

Obituary of Mare Streetpeople Marian Ulicne''

A Celebration of Life - Mare’s Life! Music Producer/Singer Writer Mare loved life! And, she loved you dearly, yes, you! Each and everyone of you. She loved you the way a mother loves her child, the way a friend loves beyond measure, like a sister who knows you so well. And, most importantly, the way Jesus calls all of us to love one another. Mare was born with an extraordinary love in her heart, people were drawn to her, the young and the old, rich and poor, sweet or cranky. Everyone was important to her, everyone! Mare’s talents - so many talents! Where do we begin? While at Hollidaysburg High School there was sweet and funny Loretta Pischkee (Mare’s cartoon creation), her artwork was so stunning it is still displayed in the school halls, she mastered the bass, taught herself the guitar and along with her classmates found her way to the Vatican to compete and win the competition! Boston - Mare’s town! She traveled to Boston after high school with one travel case and her guitar. One month after her arrival, her travel friend returned home. Two days later one of Mare’s fan’s, professional business man, became her manager. And, from there it’s history: Mare performed at public and private events both solo and with bands. She sang at the Bottom Line,The Lincoln Memorial and on local, national television and radio. She performed in Key West, Chicago, San Francisco, Montreal Canada, and Medjugorje, Bosnia Herzegovina to name a few. Audiences have heard Mare as herself and as a Janis Joplin impressionist in New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. She headlined at concert halls which featured Judy Collins & Emmy Lou Harris. She has also been a street performer and a subway singer - her voice stopped passersby in their tracks. Much of Mare’s music is original, though, to the obvious pleasure of her audiences, who couldn't help but sing along - she would often sing older cover tunes from the 40's to the 60's. Her voice was compared to ''The Grand Canyon carved by The Colorado River'' (Liz Rourke, Boston Phoenix) The Children she loved - Mare loved them all, all of them! Her dear nieces and nephews who were always with her in mind and heart; She loved singing with the kids at camp, 70 poor children who attended a six-week summer program; in San Francisco, the children danced like butterflies to Mare’s playful songs - what joy! As a nanny to several children, who stole her heart, she would write and sing lullabies, read bedtime stories, bake chocolate chip cookies, take them for walks, taught them to fly a kite and spoiled them with favorite toys. Every moment with a child was etched in her heart forever. Mare’s Beacon! Her love for Jesus. In her last year, and during a quiet visit to her room at Don Orione’s when no one was looking, she whispered “I Love Jesus soooo much”. We heard you Mare. Her words sounded like Heavenly music. Once when she was looking at a crucifix, marked with gashes of blood, she so sweetly, slowly, and lovingly said “He suffered so much!” Her love for the Lord was undeniable. Among Mare’s treasures was her inspired song “Jesus Truly Present in the Eucharist, I Love You” and her album, “Soul of the City”. Mare loved teaching CCD classes to young children - she would say, “they are like little birds taking in every word spoken, so eager to learn about Jesus and the Blessed Mother”. Mare volunteered her talent and time as a choir director at several local churches. Her gift of self was greatly appreciated at the Espousal in Waltham where she sang for the Lord and the faithful, every Tuesday night, for years. She loved the music and her loving audience/friends. Mare loved the catholic church and all of its sacraments and had a library of religious books about the saints, prophecies, church documents, miracles and so much more. She loved to share her wealth of books. Receiving the Blessed Sacrament was her deepest joy! It was her and the Lord alone in communion - the holiest moments of her life! Mare’s life was extraordinary and a volume of books could be written in her honor. In fact, Mare had started to write several books about her life, and, with her help from above, we hope those books will be completed with truth and with deepest re-spect for the author. Let’s see what the Lord has in mind. In Mare’s own words; “The experiences of love are universal, in a subtle yet heart reaching way, my music seeks to validate, honor and heal the vast range of human emotion as I express and expose my own journey's joy and pain through my original compositions.” “I tried to be a good friend to all those I love. That's you.” Mare Streetpeople FROM MARE’S FANS “Farewell, our gifted songstress. You taught us how to love, laugh and how to live. Sing with the Heavenly angels! The music of your life, prayer and song will live in our hearts forever. We love you and miss you “Sweet You”. * * * * * * * * Our beautiful and talented songbird took her last breath on September 11, 2017 after suffering of complications from diabetes. Mare suffered through it the way saints do, with grace, acceptance, love and peace. Mare tried to speak one last word before she passed - we think she whispered: “PRAY” Mare’s unshakeable faith and love for God began with her family roots. She was the loving daughter of Francis and Martin Ulicne of Hollidaysburg of PA and devot-ed sister to Sue Harvey, Nancy Hunter, Barbara Seskey, and Dave, John, Tom, and late brother Marty. Should you want to take part in a farewell gathering (time & place tbd) being planned in the Boston area in Mare's honor, please write to Karen and Gisele We would love to hear from you. In Lieu of flowers, perhaps you would like to take part in helping to bring Mare safely back home to her family in Pennsylvania - you would have the distinct honor of participating in some of her final arrangements. We also plan to purchase a cobblestone at the start of the Greenway in Boston with her rich and sweet names printed on it. Your greatest gift? Your heartfelt prayers! For those who wish to make a gift and learn more about Mare’s life you may go to God Bless You!
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