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Ginger Franchitto posted a condolence
Monday, January 18, 2010
Anne I will miss you! I am grateful to you for all the love and care you showed me and my family. Whether lending a helping hand when we needed it or making me lighten up and laugh. I admire you, your faith, your perserverance and the way you embraced life. I know I will see you again but for now enjoy paradise and please ask God to bless my family. Love you...til we meet again....
diane hartwell-swanson posted a condolence
Saturday, January 16, 2010
To Maryellen, John, Melonie and other loving relatives:
My deepest sympathy in the passing of your Mom,her job was done in this earth, now she is in God's eternal family.
Celebrate her life, her joys, she is not forgotten and someday you will see her again, as we all will see our loved ones and bask in God's beuatiful love as his children.
Rejoice and celebrate, she will always be looking down and watching you and your family !!
Love Diane and Family
Tracy Bottomley posted a condolence
Saturday, January 16, 2010
MaryEllen - my heart goes out to you, Melonie and your family at this very difficult time. You were a wonderful daughter to your mother. May the nice memories of your mother bring you peace.
Maryellen posted a condolence
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Mom - you tried your hardest. I love you and I'm glad your suffering has come to an end. Be with God and the rest of our loved ones that are at peace in heaven.
Gloria Zoltanski - Honeywell posted a condolence
Friday, January 15, 2010
My prayers and condolences go out to MaryEllen and her family during this difficult time.
Emery Lee, HUS Louisville posted a condolence
Friday, January 15, 2010
To Maryellen and Family,
In receiving the message concerning the passing of your mother, Lady Anne Patterson, our hearts go out to you and your family. As a minister of the Gospel, I understand the sorrows and the grief being felt by family and friends at this time but I have an eternal hope and faith to believe the God honored your mother and promoted her from earth to heaven to be in His Presence.
Be Blessed in the faith and knowing that God will bring you through.
Thomas Walsh & Family posted a condolence
Friday, January 15, 2010
Maryellen and Family
Sorry for your loss our heart felt sympathy
our thought and prayers are with you all at this time
Walsh Family
Kim Woods - Honeywell posted a condolence
Friday, January 15, 2010
Maryellen & family. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this very sad and difficult time.
Lois Queen posted a condolence
Friday, January 15, 2010
We will miss all your crafty stuff and the help you wanted to share with everyone no matter what. Rest in peace now, you are in the best of hands today and you will never be alone.
Priscilla & Bill O'Neill posted a condolence
Friday, January 15, 2010
We are so sorry we can't be there for Anne.
I remember her playing on that long driveway in Burlington when she was five or six and so happy and gay, such a pretty little girl. I remember her as a teenager at the movies in Woburn, still pretty, always chattering away. She always kept in touch and it was through Anne that I kept in touch with the Queen side of my family. We will miss her.
Maryellen and Peter, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. If there is any way we can help you, please let us know. To you and all my cousins, please keep in touch.
Priscilla-Anne Queen O'Neill
Crystal O'Donohue posted a condolence
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Anne has always had a special place in my heart. My prayers go out to the family. Love, Crystal Lawrence O'Donohue
Judy (Scott)Gosselin posted a condolence
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Gone too soon Rest in Peace "my friend" I pray God will wrap his loving arms around the family to help them get through this very difficult time.
Edward V. Sullivan
Funeral Home
43 Winn Street
Burlington, MA 01803
Ph: (781) 272-0050